PD Dr. Steffen Wild
E-mail: steffen.wildtu-dortmundde
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Research Unit of Psychological and Diagnostics
Phone: (+49)231 755-4971
Fax: (+49)231 755-4539
Office hours by appointment
Address: Emil-Figge-Str. 50 | Room 4.229
![PD Dr. Steffen Wild (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) Portärt von PD Dr. Steffen Wild. Mann mit kurzen hellen Haaren lächelt in die Kamera. In den Händen hält er ein aufgeschlagenes Buch](/storages/pd-reha/_processed_/d/7/csm_Steffen_Wild_Profil_edfaf53a91.jpg)
Research focus
- Empirical Educational Research
- Methods of Empirical Social Research
- Research in Higher Education
- Dropout
Selected publications:
Wild, S., Rahn, S. & Meyer, T. (2023, online first). Factors mitigating the decline of motivation among first academic year students: A latent change score analysis. Motivation and Emotion. online accessible
Wild, S., & Neef, C. (2023). Analyzing the associations between motivation and academic performance via the mediator variables of specific mathematic cognitive learning strategies in different subject domains of higher education. International Journal of STEM Education,10, 1–14. online online accessible
- Wild, S., & Grassinger, R. (2023, online first). The Importance of Achievement Motivation, Difficulties in Self-Regulation, and Quality of Instruction in Students’ University Drop Out Process. British Journal of Educational Psychology. online accessible
- Wild, S., Rahn, S., & Meyer, T. (2023). Comparing long-term trajectories in subject interest among non-traditional students and traditional students – An example from a cooperative higher education programme in Germany. Learning and Individual Differences. 101, 102250. online accessible
Talks and posters
complete list of lectures and poster(-presentations)
More information
since October 2021
Academic Council at the Technical University of Dortmund (Research Unit of "Psychological and Diagnostics": Prof. Dr. Olga Kunina-Habenicht)
October 2020
Habilitation with Venia Legendi in the Research Unit of "Empirical Educational Research" at the Ludwigsburg University of Education (main supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulf Kieschke)
January 2020 - September 2021
Academic assistant at the Heidelberg School of Education (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg), project "Gut beraten ins Lehramt - Maßnahme III: Entscheide Dich!" (online self-assessment; scientific director: Prof. Dr. Tobias Dörfler).
January 2016 - December 2019
Academic assistant at DHBW Ravensburg (Project "Course of studies - Setting the course, success criteria and hurdles in the course of dual studies at DHBW / a panel study"; Head: Prof. Dr. Ernst Deuer)
December 2014 - December 2015
- Research assistant at Heidelberg University Hospital (Competence Center for Examinations; Head: Prof. Dr. Jana Jünger)
November 2013
Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Education Ludwigsburg (Sociology; main supervisor: Prof. Dr. Renate Müller)
February 2012 - November 2014
Academic assistant at the Prorectorate of Studies and Teaching at the University of Education Freiburg (Project "EvaPort"; Head: Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke)
January 2010 - August 2010
- Research assistant at the BBW Waiblingen (Hamet2)
March 2009
Diploma in Educational Science (Adult Education, Sociology and Computer Science)
2006 - 2009
Studies of Educational Science at the University of Education Ludwigsburg
February 2006
Diploma in Social Pedagogy and Social Work
2002 - 2006
Studies of Social Pedagogy and Social Work at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg
Research Promotion Award 2021 of the Heidelberg University of Education for the project "Digitale Kompetenzen im Dualen (Aus-)Bildungssystem" ["Digital Competencies in the Dual (Education) System"](press release on the Research Promotion Award 2021).
Science and Transfer Award of the City of Ravensburg in 2020 (together with Prof. Dr. Ernst Deuer from DHBW Ravensburg) for the project "Das Studienverlaufspanel an der DHBW - Arbeitsgruppe Ravensburg"(Article about the Science and Transfer Award)
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
- Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice since 7/2019.
- Industry and Higher Education
- Studies in Educational Evaluation