Teresa Mann awarded the Lotte Kaliski Study Prize

During this year's graduation ceremony, Teresa Mann was awarded the Lotte Kaliski Study Award. The Lotte Kaliski Study Award is presented each year by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences for special academic achievement, an outstanding thesis, and social commitment in rehabilitation education practice fields.
Teresa Mann worked for several years as a research assistant in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology. Her master's thesis, which was awarded by the faculty, entitled „Das Belastungserleben alleinerziehender Mütter – Eine Untersuchung lebenssituativer und sozialer Determinanten zur Identifikation einer Risikogruppe“ ["The stress experience of single mothers - An investigation of life-situational and social determinants to identify a risk group"] was supervised by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Tröster and Dr. Sarah Lange.
We congratulate Teresa Mann on this award and wish her all the best for her professional and private future.