Teresa Sartor, M. A.
E-mail: teresa.sartortu-dortmundde
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Research Unit of Methods of Empirical Educational Research
Research Unit of Psychological and Diagnostics
Phone: (+49)231 755-4555
Office hours by appointment
Address: Emil-Figge-Str. 50 | Room 4.231

Research focus
- Demands, stresses and resources of parents
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Psychosocial stress of single parents
- Combined learning disorders
Publication and congress contribution list
Note: Teresa Sartor, born Mann
- Sartor, T., Lange, S. & Tröster, H. (2022). Cumulative Stress of Single Mothers - An Exploration of Potential Risk Factors. The Family Jounal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 1-7. Available online.
- Mann, T., Pferdekämper, A. & York, J. (2020). Handbuch Projektstudium. Kompetenzorientiertes und selbstständiges Lernen im BA Rehabilitationspädagogik (6. Aufl.) [Project study manual. Competence-oriented and independent learning in BA Rehabilitation Education (6th ed.)]. Dortmund. Available online.
- Tröster, H., Lange, S. & Mann, T. (2018). Die therapeutische Allianz als Wirkfaktor der Autismusförderung. Autismus [The therapeutic alliance as an effective factor in autism support. Autism. Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes autismus Deutschland e.V. , 86, 35-42.
More information
Since 07/2020
- Research associate, Research Unit of Psychological and Diagnostics, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, TU Dortmund University
Since 12/2018
- Research associate, Research Unit of Methods of Empirical Educational Research, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, TU Dortmund University
10/2016 - 08/2018
- Master studies: rehabilitation sciences, TU Dortmund University (degree: Master of Arts (M.A.) Rehabilitationswissenschaften [rehabilitation sciences])
10/2013 - 07/2016
- Bachelor studies: Rehabilitation Education, TU Dortmund University (Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Rehabilitationspädagogik [Rehabilitation Education]).
- Lecture: Basisveranstaltung Inklusive Bildung [Basic course in inclusive education]
- Lecture: Einführung in den Vertiefungsbereich Inklusive Bildung [Introduction to the in-depth course Inclusive Education]
- Seminar: Eltern von Kindern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (empirisches Forschungsseminar) [Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (empirical research seminar)]
- Seminar: Förderung bei Lernschwierigkeiten und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten [Support for learning difficulties and behavioral problems]
- Tutor training in project studies
Since 06/2020
- Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, TU Dortmund University
Since 12/2018
- Coordinator of the project study of the study program Bachelor of Arts Rehabilitation Education (subject-related), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, TU Dortmund University

- Lotte Kaliski Award for extraordinary academic achievement (Master's thesis) as well as intra- and extra-university commitment, awarded by the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at TU Dortmund University of Technology