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Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Important information about the IB exams (BA Rehapäd)

„Einführung in die Vertiefungsbereiche – Inklusive Bildung" ["Introduction to the specialization areas - Inclusive Education"] (Kuhl, Quinten, Sartor) and „Basisveranstaltung Inklusive Bildung" ["Basic course Inclusive Education"] (Quinten, Sartor).

In this summer semester the exams for the lectures „Einführung in die Vertiefungsbereiche – Inklusive Bildung" ["Introduction to the specialization areas - Inclusive Education"] (Kuhl, Quinten, Sartor) and „Basisveranstaltung Inklusive Bildung" ["Basic course Inclusive Education"] (Quinten, Sartor) will be written in presence in lecture halls of the TU Dortmund University. For the exact date and time, please refer to the information on the homepage of the examination coordination of Faculty 13.


Please note for both exams: The "open-book format" is no longer practiced! - The following exam formats will be used:

„Einführung in die Vertiefungsbereiche – Inklusive Bildung" ["Introduction to the specialization areas - Inclusive Education"]: part Sartor and part Kuhl as multiple-choice format; part Quinten as open questions.

„Basisveranstaltung Inklusive Bildung" ["Basic Course - Inclusive Education"]: part Sartor as multiple-choice format; part Quinten as open questions.


Important Organizational Notes:

  • Please be sure to bring a black fineliner. The exam will be scanned and crosses made with a pen with a thick tip may cause problems during evaluation. The cross must be clearly visible.
  • We appeal to you to voluntarily wear an FFP2 or medical mask during the exams for everyone's protection. Thank you very much!


For students of the lecture "Einführung in die Vertiefungsbereiche – Inklusive Bildung", important information relevant to the exam will be given on the last lecture date [14 July.2022, 8:15 - 9:45 am]. Students who retake the exam for the lecture "Basisveranstaltung Inklusive Bildung" in SoSe 22 can also participate in this date. The following link enables you to participate in the last lecture date:

Zoom Meeting on 7/14/22 at 8:15 am Meeting ID: 982 0629 0275 Passcode: 592774 One tap mobile +496938079884,,98206290275#,,,,*592774# Germany +496950500951,,98206290275#,,,,*592774# Germany Dial by your location +49 69 3807 9884 Germany +49 69 5050 0951 Germany +49 69 5050 0952 Germany +49 695 050 2596 Germany +49 69 7104 9922 Germany +49 69 3807 9883 Germany Meeting ID: 982 0629 0275 Passcode: 592774 Find your local number: Join by SIP 98206290275@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 982 0629 0275 Passcode: 592774