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Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Guide to writing term papers and theses

Logo TU Dortmund und Psychologische Diagnostik. Text: Leitfaden zum Verfassen von Hausarbeiten und Abschlussarbeiten im Fachgebiet Psychologische Diagnostik. Prof. Dr. Olga Kunina-Habenicht. Fassung vom Mai 2021 (redaktionelle Überarbeitung der Fassung von Herrn Prof. Heinrich Tröster von Januar 2018. © Olga Kunina-Habenicht​/​TU Dortmund
Version of May 2021 (editorial revision of the version by Prof. Heinrich Tröster of January 2018)

The Department of Psychological and Diagnostics provides a guideline for writing term papers and theses. Since May 2021, an editorial revision of the version by Prof. Heinrich Tröster from January 2018 is available. You can download the current version under "Guidelines for writing term papers and theses in the department of Psychological and Diagnostics".

Further information can be found under final theses.