Three contributions at symposium

The 11th GEBF conference will take place in Potsdam from March 18 to 20, 2024. The Department of Psychological Diagnostics will be represented there with three contributions:
Wild, S., & Hahn, S. (2024, March). Digital competencies of prospective teachers: How can we prepare student teachers for digital teaching? Chair in the symposium with the discussant Prof. Dr. Lazarides.
Wild, S., Rahn, S, & Meyer, M. (2024, March). Organizational commitment to the training company and dropout in dual studies - an event analysis. Single article.
von Keyserlingk, L., Schwerter, J., Wild, S., Kunina Habenicht, O., & Lauermann, F. (2024, March). Do motivated students use better learning strategies? Relationships between expectations of success and value beliefs with the use of learning materials in Moodle. Contribution to the symposium.